No.1 Registering as Publisher
To start fresh as a publisher please use the right side menu to "Register as Publisher", and after completing the single row form, in which only a valid email is required, the confirmation email will be sent to the specified address. Once the email is received the publisher registration is considered completed and the publisher panel is ready to be used.
No.2 Logged as Publisher, after panel creation
From the moment of receiving the publisher's email, one should already be able to get into the publishers area. From this point on, options are endless, and the traffic monetization ability might be ready in minutes without any site or link approval. At that time a message welcomes the new user pointing to some primary rules.
No.3 Pushing Traffic & Earning Money
The pushed traffic by one of the provided codes will show up on on the daily counters, and is converted into earnings from the very first second. There are various filters that are able to trim out the bad impressions from the genuine ones, which will be shown on the "quality bar" or on penalties. Proxy and page reloading impressions are not welcome on this network.
No.4 Checking the Daily Detailed Stats
Pressing the "+" sign near the daily summary stats opens the detailed stats on which is show the actual GEO distribution of the delivered impressions as well as details about the caught proxy and penalties if they exists. Also there are downloadable reports for the current day to help on tracking down the things that went wrong.
No.5 Cashing Out the Monetization Earnings
Every publisher is entitled to cash out the earning amount when the value is above $10. Bonuses are added to the final amount based on the traffic quality. There are daily payments made to all publishers but to speed up the process an email could be send requesting the payment (pls. check out the Notes area on the bottom).